Call for Abstracts

Abstracts are invited in the following thematic areas:

  1. Agricultural science and technologies for sustainable food and nutritional security
  2. Basic and applied sciences for advancement of research and industrialisation
  3. Engineering technologies, built environment and infrastructure for industrialisation
  4. Information and communication technology for development
  5. Advances in medical and veterinary sciences for quality life
  6. Water, Energy, Environment and climate change management for sustainable development

Abstract Format

  • You are requested to submit an Abstract
  • Provide no more than 3-5 key words
  • The abstract should be between 200-350 words

Submission of Abstracts

In order to upload your submission for the conference, submit it to the following link:

and send a copy of the same to the following email:

Book of Abstracts

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts and will be available online once it is ready.

Submission of Full Papers

Full papers for accepted abstracts will be published in a special issue of JAGST.

For full papers and submission guidelines, click below